The Career Artisan Series


The Career Artisan Series That Has Received Rave Peer & Jobseeker Reviews

Get the Entire Series for Just $79.88 $47!

Listen to an excerpt of my interview with Peter Clayton of TotalPicture Radio about this e-book series:

Peter Clayton, Producer/Host, is an award-winning producer/director of radio, television, documentary, video, interactive and Web-based media for Fortune 100 clients.
Peter Clayton, TotalPicture Radio


“Most of what you have been told about job searching IS misleading, skewed, or just plain wrong.”

Here’s the full 30-minute interview, where I share tips and tricks to succeed in today’s job market:

Read my interview article,
Components of a Successful 21st Century Job Search,”
featured on TotalPicture Radio.


The Career Artisan SEries E-Books – Available for immediate download PDF Format

The Career Artisan Series

The 21st Century Resume Guide for the Perplexed
& Links to Custom Templates

The 21st Century Resume tackles the toughest resume writing challenges – giving job seekers both word.doc templates (online link) and step by step instructions on how to easily craft a results producing resume that works in today’s job market. The author, (Internationally Certified Advanced Resume Writer, Mary Elizabeth Bradford), provides a unique look into the world of resume writing, offering simple yet effective marketing secrets and outlining common resume mistakes to help the reader avoid them. 111 pages.



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The NEW Executive Job Search Guide For The Perplexed
Breakthrough Strategies, Secrets & Free Resources

The 21st Century Job Search reveals the job search strategies that work best in today’s tough job market and takes an honest look at the futility of traditional job search methods, online job searches and working with human resource departments, and offers refreshing solutions and simple explanations for why they work. You’ll be enlightened by an insider’s view of job search and gain a fresh perspective and an understanding that you hold much more control over the outcome of your job search than you ever imagined. 29 pages.


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The Hidden Job Market
Proven Strategies, Done-For-You Letters & Phone Scripts

The Hidden Job Market reveals that job searching does not have to be hard – in fact, it is possible to easily set up a turnkey job search, increase company interest in you, land more interviews and bigger offers with companies you truly wish to work for using the easy to understand and apply methods outlined in this e-book. No matter what your profession, where you are at in your career or what the economy is doing – these strategies are proven to get results! There has never been such a comprehensive, affordable and informative guide available on this critical topic. Find out what it really is so you can take control of your job search once and for all. 114 pages.


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Interview Follow Up Guide For The Perplexed
Tips, Scripts & Letter Templates

Are you getting initial interviews and interest – only to hear nothing back? Finally, secrets from a top job search coach that will increase employers’ interest in you: phone scripts and letter templates for following up after sending a resume, post-interview follow ups, following up on networking leads, with recruiters, what to say in your thank-you letters, and much more! The tips found in Interview Follow Up are proven to impress, will make following up easy and much less stressful, and will ultimately aid in increasing employers’ interest so you can win more job offers! 52 pages.


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Phone Networking Secrets Revealed Guide For The Perplexed
Take the Fear Out of Cold Calling When Networking & Looking for a Job (With Phone Scripts)

Phone Networking Secrets Revealed is a revolutionary guide that takes the fear out of follow up phone calls during your job search! Perfect for mid to senior level professionals but has also been used successfully by new graduates. Packed with tips and phone scripts that will show you what to say when following up after submitting your resume, how to overcome objections, get past the gatekeepers, network without asking for a job, work with human resources, leave a voicemail that gets answered, and much more! 28 pages.


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