Resume Samples
Executive CEO resume example
Example executive resume written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Global Chief Executive Officer/CEO or COO. This executive resume sample is geared towards high-growth industries in the consumer goods / retails industry with an emphasis on private equity / venture capital.
Executive CEO resume example
Executive resume sample written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer/CEO or President. This example executive resume was written for the technology industry with a focus on M&A/Mergers & Acquisitions leadership, private equity-backed companies, startups and turnarounds.
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO) or President for startups and major divisions. This sample executive resume was written with an emphasis on private equity consulting, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As), turnarounds, global expansions and corporate growth optimization.
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer/CEO or President for global commodities trading. This example executive resume was written with an emphasis on Fortune 50 companies, strategic consulting, ETRM practice executive and multinational corporations/MNCs.
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer/CEO, or President for high growth technology companies and IT services companies. This sample executive resume was written with an emphasis on private equity consulting, Mergers & Acquisitions/M&As and corporate growth optimization.
If you are a Director, VP, CxO, or Board Member interested in an executive resume package or working directly with Mary Elizabeth, click below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with one of our team members
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer/CEO, or Chief Operations Officer/COO for private equity or venture capital-backed, healthcare technology companies. This sample executive resume was written with an emphasis on helping startups and healthcare services companies drive revenue.
Executive resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer/CEO, or Chief Operations Officer/COO, Executive Director and Executive Vice President roles for major, multi-billion-dollar banking, finance, fintech and financial services companies. This executive resume example was written with an emphasis on leveraging emerging technologies and thought leadership in banking and finance.
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or President for the high-tech manufacturing industry. This sample executive resume was written with an emphasis on private equity, Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As), turnarounds, global expansions and corporate growth optimization.
If you are a Director, VP, CxO, or Board Member interested in an executive resume package or working directly with Mary Elizabeth, click below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with one of our team members
Legal Disclaimer:® products and services do not guarantee “job placement”, though every effort has been made for accurate representation. Success involves many factors including the willingness to take action, focus, and dedication of each individual as well as various market conditions. The testimonies provided on this site do not guarantee the same or similar results.
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