Resume Samples
The CDI TORI Awards are known as the most prestigious global awards bestowed to top executive resume writers. From 2017 through to the present, our President and founder, Mary Elizabeth Bradford, has elected to accept an appointment as a CDI finalist judge for the TORI Awards, which precludes her from submitting her own work for awards. However, submissions being anonymous, several members of her team have earned TORIs for their award-winning executive resume work.
Executive CEO resume example
Written for a top executive seeking a President or CEO role in the retail, franchise, and hospitality industries. This executive resume sample demonstrates this CEO’s metric-driven accomplishments and directional focus. This executive resume sample was awarded the prestigious global TORI Award in the Best Executive Resume category by Career Directors International.
Executive CEO resume example
Here is another award-winning executive resume example of a CEO resume that was written for a top executive seeking a President or CEO role in the retail, franchise, and hospitality industries. This executive resume sample demonstrates this CEO’s metric-driven accomplishments and directional focus. This executive resume sample was awarded the prestigious global TORI Award in the Best Executive Resume category by Career Directors International.
Executive CFO resume example
This is an example of an executive resume written for a senior executive seeking a position as a Chief Financial Officer/CFO, Vice President of Finance, or Director of Finance for multinational corporations and Fortune 500 companies. This executive resume sample was nominated for the prestigious global TORI Award in the Executive Finance Resume category, Career Directors International.
If you are a Director, VP, CxO, or Board Member interested in an executive resume package or working directly with Mary Elizabeth, click below to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call with one of our team members
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