Are you garnering the interest you think you should in your job search? If not, your resume could be the problem. Here are three tips to make sure your resume makes the grade:

Tip One: The Basics
If you have under 10 years experience, a one page resume should suffice. If you have more than ten years experience, you will probably need two pages. Spell check and edit your resume for any errors, watch your tenses, keep your font size around 11pt and resist the temptation to add anything personal, such as hobbies, health or marital status. It is unnecessary to state that your references are available upon request.

Tip Two: Check Your Resume Format
If you are planning on staying in the same industry a chronological resume is best for you. It typically begins with an objective, followed by career history and then academic achievements.
For an industry changer you will want to use a functional resume. This highlights your functional strengths; your skills that are transferable. These strengths can be conveyed at the beginning of your resume in key phrases, in your written objective, in a list of leadership skills or core competencies. Using stand alone keywords is an excellent way to pique the interest of potential employers, because it gives them the opportunity to quickly see how your skills could be transferred to their industry.

Tip Three: Look Like a Good Match
Try this: Print out two or three of your targeted jobs. Mark all the key phrases, responsibility descriptions and requirements that closely match your abilities. Are these keywords in your resume and cover letters? If they are not, they need to be!
Double checking these points can help polish your resume and increase potential employer’s interest in you!

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