Gain the Freedom, Flexibility and Quality of Life You Deserve

Valerie Young ( is offering a very special July 4th Offer for anyone thinking about starting their own business!

I love Valerie’s products! She’s the real deal. Here is how to take advantage of her offer:

It’s common to reflect on Independence and Freedom as we prepare for weekend barbeque’s and picnics.

What do these words mean to you? Independence to do work you love? Freedom to gain control over your own life and time?

If you’re looking to escape the 9 – 5 (or 8 to late) world, then I hope you’ll take a look at career change expert Valerie Young’s “declare your own independence and find more freedom in your life” Super Sale!

And I do mean SUPER…

In case you’re not familiar with Valerie, she is THE expert on how to turn interests into income. Since starting in 1995, this former “cubicle dweller” has shown thousands of people just like you how to escape the job world and make money doing work you really love.

But don’t take my word for it…

Valerie’s work has been cited in places like the Wall Street Journal, Inc. magazine, Entrepreneur, Reader’s Digest, Kiplinger’s Money Magazine, USA Weekend, Woman’s Day, The Chicago Tribune,, — to name just a few.

In honor of Independence Day, Valerie is offering her Freedom Accelerator Kit for a special $100 off (and that doesn’t include the over $300 of bonuses she’s offering for this weekend only)!

This Kit is filled with all of her very BEST material. This is truly a “best of the best” collection! You get:

~ Finding Your True Calling

~ The 10 Steps to Escaping the Job World and Creating the Life You Really Want Personal Planner

~ Yes You Can: The Inspirational Kick in the Pants You Need to Take Control of Your Life and Go After Your Dreams

~ The Idea Jogger: 201 Totally Cool Resources, Ideas, and Opportunities for Turning Interests into Income

~ Inspiring Entrepreneurs: Advice from Real People Who Are Living Their Dream

~ The 10 Steps to Escaping the Job World and Creating the Life You Really Want – Companion CD to Your Printed Planner

~ How to Feel as Bright and Capable as Everyone Seems to Think You Are – CD

~ How to Turn Your Interests into Income – CD

~ The 10 Biggest Dream Busters and How to Avoid Them – CD

And, she’s even including transcripts of all the CDs. So, if you prefer to read and highlight key passages as you go, you’ll find these nearly 200 pages of powerful, practical knowledge an invaluable resource.

PLUS, she’s even throwing in your first month’s membership in the Changing Course Club for free. That’s a TOTAL SAVINGS of $129… and that doesn’t include all of the great “Grand Finale Fireworks” Bonus Items.

Grab your Freedom Accelerator Kit at the one-time $100 discount price of only $197 today! And, to make it even easier to say yes, you can choose to break that down into three manageable installments of only $69.

Here’s how:

The Grand Finale Fireworks…

Not only do you get the Freedom Accelerator Kit for $100 off during this special Independence Day Super Sale, but you get all these bonuses worth over $300…

BONUS #1 – Making Dreams Happen Audio Program with Barbara Sher, Barbara Winter and Valerie Young ($147 value)

BONUS # 2 – Free Outside the Job Box Consultation with a current Outside the Job Box Student – for the first 35 who order (minimum $85 value)

BONUS # 3 – Audio Recording of “How to Turn Your Passions Into Profits” ($29 value)

BONUS # 4 – “How to Dream Big Dreams” eBook ($24.95 value)

BONUS # 5 – Power and Soul: 42 Successful Entrepreneurs Share the Secrets to Creating the Business and Life of Your Dreams
($19.95 value)

BONUS # 6 – Nudge Your Dream Along With 365 Days of Inspiration!


Once you order the Freedom Accelerator Kit, you’ll have all the tools you need to declare your own personal independence!
Finally declare freedom for your own life… from crabby bosses, pink-slips, stress, nightmare commutes and traffic….

If you think The Freedom Accelerator Kit is right for you, then celebrate your dream and sign up today and save $100. As Benjamin Franklin once said, “An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest.”

Order at this special link:

P.S. This one-time $100 off discount and over $300 in Bonuses is only good until 8:00 pm Eastern on Tuesday, July 7 and only at:

Mary Elizabeth Bradford is the Founder and Executive Director of and a past executive recruiter. Her company creates customized and effective executive board documents for leaders ready for their first or next board role. A thought leader in the career services industry for over 20 years, she holds 7 distinct advanced certifications for senior-level resume writing, an International Board Competency Certification (IBDC.D),online branding and executive-level job search coaching (CMRW+EE, CARW, CERM, MCD, NCOPE, IBDC.D, MQLE.D). Ceoresumewriter’s Board resume samples can be seen here. She has been seen and heard in major media including Forbes, Time, WSJ, Newsweek and NBC affiliate stations. She holds 2 CDI TORI awards and is a top tier judge for the elite CDI TORI awards for four consecutive years. Mary Elizabeth Bradford’s elite team of award-winning, certified, top executive resume writers, former executive recruiters, and global HR executives help many of the world’s premier C-suite, board members and thought leaders secure the transitions and compensation packages they want. She works with clients all over the globe. Book a complimentary consultation with us here.

If you are a Director, VP, CxO, or Board Member aiming to elevate your career and maximize your compensation, click to schedule a complimentary 15-minute call.