I just decided to host a call this Saturday morning (yes…tomorrow!)titled:
Secrets to a Wildly Successful Job Search for High Five-, Six-(and even Seven-) Figure Professionals
I know you have heard it all (to death): you must use social networking, recruiters, paid job boards etc. in your job search.
But I want to give you (at no cost) some amazing tips and resources to help you get much faster and far better results in your job search.
What I teach my clients is something they end up using over and over again in their careers . . . making their job searches less stressful, less time consuming, and more fruitful.
I don’t know WHY more career professionals aren’t teaching this to their clients. Hint: It’s all about the hidden job market.
No fancy sign-up pages—just the call-in info here below:
Saturday, September 18, 2010
10AM Central Time
(that’s 11AM Eastern (NY) time, 8AM Pacific and 9AM Mountain)
BRIDGE LINE: 1-218-936-7999
PASS CODE: 292-4192#
My bridge line only holds about 200 callers so call in early to get a spot! If you can’t get on – dont worry becuase I will post an audio recording of the call here on blog. ???? But I hope to “see” you live!