You know I am always looking out for good ideas for job seekers…even if it means branching out and starting your own business!
In that spirit, I want to share some information with you about owning a franchise.
Owning a franchise can give you more flexibility – without you having to start your business yourself-completely from scratch.
My colleague Larry helps match up people with the right franchises.
He also helps people sell or even franchise their established businesses.
I have networked with Larry for nearly 5 years now…(wow time does fly!)
Here is where you can learn more:
Franchise Quest…Franchise Search Consultants
Larry S. Powell
2307 Buroak Ridge, Suite 100
San Antonio, TX 78248
Phone: 210-479-2491
Toll Free Phone: 888-479-2491
Fax: 888-699-8751
*FULL DISCLOSURE: Larry does offer referral fees to his business network. The Career Artisan may accept referral fees but NEVER recommends or endorses any person or business exclusively for referral fees. Rather, The Career Artisan endorses people, products and services that to the best of the Career Artisan’s knowledge may be beneficial to jobseekers.