Mark your calendars for tomorrow at 8pm ET…
Mark your calendars for entrepreneur mentor Ali Brown’s new free call:
“The 5 Commitments: Proven Strategies for Women to Guarantee Your Financial Success This Year”.
This is your chance to learn from *TWO self-made women*–Ali and Elevate coach Joy Chudacoff—who have built their businesses from scratch at home, in their own ways and honoring their personal values.
Here’s what you’ll learn on this information-packed free call:
- The *5 commitments women MUST make* in order to ensure your success
- Why it’s actually *selfish NOT to say “yes”* to yourself and to step into your highest good
- Why your current *FRIENDS and FAMILY could actually be INHIBITING your success*… and how to alleviate this problem so you don’t hold back taking your highest path (consciously or sub-consciously)
- “Bootstrapping” secrets… *growing your business WITHOUT funding or investors* (this is how Ali and Joy did it, and you can too)
- How to *smartly navigate DEBT* while you grow your venture–large or small (debt is NOT evil… it’s a tool you can use smartly)
- Why it’s actually a *mistake for most new business owners* to go right for PASSIVE income… without doing THIS first
- How to *STOP your “feast or famine” cycle* and end those 2 a.m. night-sweats about your income
- 3 ways to *LEVERAGE your efforts* so you make more money in less time
- Ali and Joy’s *BEST time management secrets*–especially for FEMME-preneurs and moms (it’s a whole different approach!)
- *When to keep your business lean and SIMPLE*, and when you should build multiple streams of income and add some complexity
See all the gems Ali and Joy are packing into this call here, and register before you forget!: