If you read my blog or E-zine you know I am ALL about taking both leadership and control of your executive job search—and that includes not just investing in a professionally certified executive resume writer but fully leveraging market opportunities as well. It takes a little planning, initiative, and guts—but the payback is amazing, and you get to pick your low-hanging fruit in terms of the companies YOU are interested in working for.

This article I read on CareerCloud is a great example of a plucky recruiter taking the initiative in a memorable and authentic way that answers the questions every job seeker must answer: What good are you to me, and why should I be reading this?
And even though this recruiter is not at the E-Suite yet, I bet they will be! And that makes the best employers sit up and take notice. I think it is often forgotten, when we are in job seeking mode, that just as our main challenge is to find the right opportunity at a good company—a COO’s primary challenge is generally to find and retain exceptional people. So be that exceptional person and the opportunities will follow.