There are lots of time saving products and services out there you could incorporate into your job search, but let’s keep it really simple. Here’s one I like that has to do with keeping track of your job search and career network – not only for a single job search but for your entire career.
Check out Jibber Jobber. Jason Alba is the president as well as the author of TWO books AND linked-In/Blogger/Facebook expert extraordinaire – no kidding. And from what I can tell, he has the ear of several industries – the “career services” industry being the biggest one. Here’s how he describes Jibber Jobber:
“So what is Jibber Jobber? Is it a job search tool? Is it a networking tool? It is more like a personal relationship manager that allows you to do everything you need to do to manage a job search and optimize your network relationships – for the duration of your career!”
And BTW – a big THANK YOU to Jason for: A) liking, and B) blogging about… my “phone networking secrets revealed” report. See it here.