by Mary Elizabeth Bradford, CERW, MCD
Most executives are excellent at what they do, but struggle to market their skills when it comes to finding and capitalizing on better career opportunities.
You CAN be quickly respected as a powerful source of wisdom and authority in your areas of expertise to (people in) companies that don’t yet know who you are. You can do this by communicating to them in a way that positions you as an expert in areas that match the challenges of that company.
So where do you start?
Step One: Know Where to Find Fr*ee Sources
Fr*ee sources of information on companies that are moving and growing that is! Industries that are growing and companies that are moving and growing, being acquired, going public or launching a new product or service offering are most often primed for new company hires.
Sources of this information include Google Alerts (best), your local weekly business journals (fr*ee online), local chamber of commerce and economic development associations, and trade journals. Find two sources that work for you and commit to reviewing them. In committing just an hour each week to doing this, you should be able to easily find two to five interesting articles that intrigue you.
Step Two: Write a Letter
Write a cover letter to each company stating why their particular situation impresses or interests you. Tell them authentically why. If they are positioning themselves to “go global” and your background includes helping companies successfully do this, then tell them so and remember to give them an example of how much revenue this generated.
Share that you will follow up with them to see if they would be interested in an initial conversation. Use gracious, diplomatic language to get your point across. Include in your letter a copy of the article you are referencing. You can also include your resume if you discern it’s appropriate. What’s important is that you take action to make that initial contact. If your enthusiasm is authentic, they will catch that immediately and you will have maximized your potential to generate interest!
Are you wondering who to send your letter to? The person or persons quoted in the article are best. Don’t worry if they are top executives in the industry. Many professions believe it’s not possible to connect with the top executives of a company, but in most cases this is simply not true. In fact, you can use this erroneous belief to your advantage as your approach stands to be unique to your competition! If a decision maker isn’t quoted in the article, simply imagine what position you would hold in the company and go two levels higher. Company executives are often cited on corporate websites or sites such as Yahoo Finance or ZoomInfo.
Step Three: Be Consistent
When you commit to take action using this powerful strategy to easily find growth opportunities, you are making a wise investment in yourself and your career. Make it a bold goal of yours to find and send out a certain number of letters each week. If you only sent out and followed up on two letters each week (which should take you only a few hours) you stand to generate MORE interest than if you answered 40 online job ads! That’s right! So make a commitment to yourself to be consistent each week – to quickly and easily move forward towards your goals.