If you have benefited from any of my career insights and guidance in the past, I have a favor to ask you.
Forbes Leadership plans to launch its second annual list of “The Top Websites For Your Career” in September 2013, and I would like to ask you to nominate maryelizabethbradford.com.
Nomination is easy. Just use one of these simple options by Friday August 30th:
- Comment: Leave a comment here with a brief explanation as to why you believe my site should be included on the 2013 list of The Best Websites For Your Career.
- Email: Send an email to careerwebsites@forbes.com.
- Tweet: Tweet your nomination to: @JacquelynVSmith.
As a courtesy, here are a few qualifiers and feedback from clients over the years:
- Best selling eBook series on Amazon
- Content rich e-zine and blog with step by step strategies
- Double certified Executive Resume Writer through CDI – career services top association
- Award winning online DIY job search home study course: The Job Search Success System
- Seen and heard in FORBES, NBC, PBS, MSN and the Wall Street Journal
- Expert on today’s hidden job market
- One of America’s top executive job search coaches
- Offers angel program for job seekers on a budget and veterans
- Helped thousands of job seekers land jobs, overcome liabilities, change careers and more, for 15+ years.
I have never asked for anything such as this before, but I am reaching out to you now because inclusion in this list would open up tremendous opportunities – opportunities for me to help an even greater number of people and maybe even partner on bigger non-profit programs.
If you love helping others as much as I do, won’t you consider taking just 1 minute to nominate maryelizabethbradford.com? Thank you so much. You have my very sincere gratitude.