When was the last time you updated your executive resume? Did you become frustrated trying to describe your accomplishments and results without feeling like you were bragging? Or did you struggle to come up with what to say about your strengths and achievements?
Professional executive resume writers exist for a reason: resume writing is hard! Not only that, but CxO resumes are high-stakes documents that can change and impact your career trajectory, for better or worse. An effective CxO resume communicates your skills with confidence and enthusiasm, speaks to your target market and position, and provides concrete proof of your strengths and achievements.
Why is resume writing so hard?
- Let’s refer to the first line in this article: “When was the last time you updated your executive resume?” You don’t do it every day! Just like problem-solving, communicating, and collaborating, it takes practice, skill, and knowledge to become good at it.
- Resumes use a unique type of language. They are written in implied first person, without articles, determiners, or pronouns, and blend stories and metrics into a believable, engaging, and readable document.
- It can be incredibly challenging to write about yourself!
Potential employers want to see what you’ve done in the past to envision what you could do for them. If you’re struggling to reign in your extensive executive career history, start by thinking about some of your proudest and most impactful moments with current and previous employers. Then, use the CAR method to make them concrete.
Using the CAR Method to Create Powerful Accomplishments
- C: Challenge. Think of a challenge, obstacle, or problem that you or the company faced.
- A: Action. Describe the actions you took to resolve the challenge/obstacle/problem.
- R: Results. Outline what happened as a result of your actions. Start your sentences with quantifiable results whenever possible.
To find out how we can help you design an effective resume that focuses on your professional results, book a complimentary and confidential call with us here.